Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year and New Physically Attitude?

as I mentioned this, I started to realise > ( what on earth aku pernah ada new attitude? ).
it's damn funny when you remember back in your school times. ( I used to be so fierce and mischievious ,hehe ).
*konon-konon la garang tak bertempat but sincerely takut

hidup memang tak adil and its not even great at times but aku bersyukur sebab mostly, I have my DOUCHEBAGZ who loved  me. BUT, in another hand, I meant to be with whom?  #tolonglahfaham
rather than being modest, I forget my past ( *konon la kan? )

ledakan fireworks kat Dublin memang SUPERB! and aku also menyelitkan picture2 rekaan aku and Johnsson Beasley.
( memang REAL tough but kadang senang pulekk ). so here is my design 
( thanks to Johnsson Beasley )

rekaan yang senang tapi aku yang buat dia jadik lambat. biar lah lambat, asalkan lawa macam Ma aku. ( haha. kusut der! )
literally design2 macam ni susah untuk di jadikan wallpaper ( yelah tu Puth.. haha ) but I think untuk korang gi search google jelahh woi.
senang cerita. tak susah mana. MALAS? ( ohhh, stalk gambar desired man/women boleh pulak? LONGOiiii )
hmm isi hati ni tak tertulis lagi ni. banyak yang aku nak menghamun dalam ni tapi ntah lah, the new 2012 seems nothing to change of. korang takkan jumpa differences aku 2011 dgn 2012.
senang je. sebab aku TAK MAHU BERUBAH. 

if even I ruled the world, aku akan perintahkan semua rakyat2 pakai kasut Vans, jadi Street Dancer, semua cukai aku yang bayar, mak bapak kau orang boleh pergi umrah/haji FREE. pergh, tingginya angan2 kau Bedahh. haha
so this new 2012, aku nak ubah persepsi orang terhadap teenagers and why they liked to be a rebellious.
( konon nye macam Juruacara Mahkamah Persekutuan > aku yang terangkan *hehe gila ).

aku masih sayang diri aku dan aku takkan sekali-kali melukakan ( *cehhh ) hati orang2 yang aku sayang. I still have a God that loving me all the way to my adulthood. ( jangan diragu > *feeling habisss ).
lastly, this 1 January of 2012, I sincerely hope that nothing will never makes me changing so random. ( haha, takut orang tak kenal wehh )

p/s: knowing God is like we're knowing ourself. we're made by Him and we should obey Him in order. peace :)

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