Monday 18 June 2012

Did Everything You Give Just...

Last night, my memories is always on top about you baby.
"like seriously?" YOU SAID.
and I just looked at you meaningly with my words of swallowing gums.
haven't I said that I'm really inlove with him?
Did not? I might think it was A JOKE HE WAS TELLING.
If I just trust him and if I just wanted to have..
something that i didn't have last time?
if I tend to love?

its been told that I must not telling anyone.
I cried hardly, nobody heard me. At all.
I laughed merrily, nobody thought me. Inside that I'm a broken without him.
Teribbly nothing inside me. Instead of lurking my own shadows.
Not even once a human knows my heart.
On my darkest part of life, I suppose
Until it has been told.
Instead of crying for NOTHING.

lifeless inflactuation by,

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